Clustering can be separated into three different tasks, for the three currently available clustering algorithms. Each task has its own unique set of cluster options. All tasks use the individual/{participant_id}/connectivity.npz connectivity matrix files generated in the previous task, or the user-defined connectivity matrices when the modality is set to ‘connectivity’.
As described for the earlier tasks, the wildcards {participant_id} and {session} are placeholders. A new wildcard is added for this task called {n_clusters}. This is a placeholder for the number of clusters that are computed for the cluster labels contained within the file.
KMeans Clustering¶
This task is active only if the kmeans clustering algorithm is defined in the configuration file (parameteres:clustering:method).
- Configuration fields
parameters.clustering.cluster_options.n_init- Output
- Logging
- Benchmarking
This task will apply the k-means clustering algorithm on a connectivity matrix using the sklearn package (sklearn.cluster.KMeans) and return the resulting cluster labels.
Spectral Clustering¶
This task is active only if the spectral clustering algorithm is defined in the configuration file (parameteres:clustering:method).
- Configuration fields
parameters.clustering.n_clusters parameters.clustering.cluster_options.n_init parameters.clustering.cluster_options.kernel parameters.clustering.cluster_options.gamma parameters.clustering.cluster_options.n_neighbors parameters.clustering.cluster_options.assign_labels parameters.clustering.cluster_options.coef0 parameters.clustering.cluster_options.eigen_tol parameters.clustering.cluster_options.eigen_solver
- Output
- Logging
- Benchmarking
This task will apply the spectral clustering algorithm on a connectivity matrix using the sklearn package (sklearn.cluster.SpectralClustering) and return the resulting cluster labels.
Not all configuration fields listed above will necessarily be used: gamma is only used when the kernel is rbf, polynomial, sigmoid, laplacian, or chi2; n_neighbors is only used if the kernel is nearest_neighbors; degree is only used with a polynomial kernel; coef0 is used only with a polynomial or sigmoid kernel; and eigen_tol is only used when the eigen_solver is arpack.
Clustering results can vary wildly between the different kernels
Clustering may fail if the eigen_tol is set too low
If the clustering fails due to a numpy.linalg.LinAlgError or because the requested number of clusters was not returned, CBPtools will store an empty output file and create a warning in the log file. At a later stage in the CBPtools workflow, processing will halt and provide a more detailed error log.
Hierarchical Clustering¶
This task is active only if the agglomerative clustering algorithm is defined in the configuration file (parameteres:clustering:method).
- Configuration fields
parameters.clustering.n_clusters parameters.clustering.cluster_options.distance_metric parameters.clustering.cluster_options.linkage
- Output
- Logging
- Benchmarking
This task will apply the agglomerative clustering algorithm on a connectivity matrix using the sklearn package (sklearn.cluster.AgglomerativeClustering) and return the resulting cluster labels.
Validating Cluster Labels¶
At this point in the workflow the connectivity matrices and cluster labels are computed for all participants. If any of the participants contains problematic results (i.e., the connectivity or cluster labels file is empty due to an error during processing), CBPtools will provide a log file at log/validate_cluster_labels.log with information about the participant IDs and reason of the problematic results. Processing will halt at this point, as manual actions are required (e.g., addressing the issue(s) by removing the participant IDs from participants.tsv, or any other action that can create proper connectivity and cluster label output).
If there are no problems at this point, the workflow will resume with the next tasks.